Earthquakes, hurricanes, droughts, floods all are bound by the laws of nature. These laws encompass all kinds of life on earth. Be it the hissing of a snake, the movement of grass with the winds, the flow of a rivulet, the dance of a peacock everything is controlled and conforms with the laws of nature. Nature creates……nature destroys. As man is an indistinct part of nature, even cultures and traditions harmonize with nature.
The world is filled with beauty. The way the river flows, the beauty of a flower blossoming from a small bud, the majesty of the mountains, the loving shade of trees, the elegance of a rainbow, the harmony of the morning Sun, the delicacy of different fruits, the charm of chirping birds and the fascination of the first rain. Nature affects me in a way humans cannot. If I find myself in a place filled with wild blossoms I feel like frolicking around like a wild bee. If there is a gushing of wind making trees and grass flow in its tune I feel like sitting in the middle of the whole play of nature and thoughtlessly wonder at the silliness of the happenings. If it is raining I like to buoyantly run with the rain drops falling on my face taking away all my worries and guilt and making me a free soul. I feel like nature blesses me, nourishes my soul, cheers me up, cries with me, soothes me and plays with me. Every part of nature is a part of God Almighty for me. Nature photography gives me a chance to capture the stunning occurrences and the wonderful things on earth.

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